Monday 23 March 2015

What To Do When it Rains in Paradise

Flag - Costa Rica

Puerto Viejo, COSTA RICA
Feb.13, 2015

The rain is noisy, can't sleep - get up early.
Have a cup of coffee.
Write some emails to friends.
Let the cat help.
Pet the cat.

Petting the cat

Have some more coffee.
When there's a break in the rain, walk to a cafe.
Have another coffee.

A coffee on the patio

Enjoy the silent company of friends.

Sitting with friends on the patio

Write some more, people watch, yak with friends, watch the rain.
Order some lunch.
Have another coffee, with chocolate and almonds (made with real cacao straight from the plantation up the valley).

Another coffee on the patio

Watch the rain.
Go for a run in the light drizzle/mist/humidity.
Put on a nice dress, have a drink with the girls (turn down the offer of a puff from the very lovely 50+ couple at the Jungle Beach House celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary), and go out for dinner.

The girls dressed for dinner
(Jenny's photo)

Lay in bed and listen to the rain falling on the tin roof.

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