Sunday, 7 December 2014

to blog:

On this planet, we like to tell stories, hear stories, read stories.  Maybe because we want to learn, maybe because we want to be entertained, maybe because we want to hope, or sometimes, maybe just because we like to.  Even the animals tell stories, by their actions - mamma bear to cub on the banks of the Athabasca River: "...and this is where my mom would take us to bathe, because we meet lots of other juicy friends around here".

The contemporary definition for 'blog' from describes it as:
an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog, Web log [1]

The seemingly most popular definition found on '' summarizes a 'blog' as:
Short for weblog. 
A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today." [2]

Here within, you will find riveting entries of my meandering travels, some thoughts and some photos, mainly because I like to write the stories, and also because due to some comments from yourselves (or because you are family/lifelong friends), I have the illusion that you are interested.



  1. What good will you bd doing in your 'World of Good'?

    1. Release from the stress and grind means I will become a nicer person, which will do the world a lot of good...

  2. I can't wait to live vicariously through your blog! Happy travels Michelle and Colin!

  3. Urban Dictionary is not only the greatest website in the history of the internets, it's also factually accurate. For example, if you look up "JJ", you'll find this:

    1. On what scientific principles do you substantiate the facts in the first sentence?

    2. "They're hard to find, and are usually very outgoing."
      My respect for science-based PhD's has plummetted significantly.

    3. Where exactly did your initial respect come from?

  4. Oh dear. I tend to agree with the Urban Dictionary definition, but what does that say about all those who intend to live vicariously through your blog? Does that mean their lives are even more stupid and pathetic? The truth stings.... sigh. I will be following your blog while sitting at my work computer, eating my lunch. I think I just answered my own question.... Happy travels!

    1. Erin makes really good food - I'm envious.
